Y-A-P Education
Education Blog for everyone in a developing economy. Yinka Awobo-Pearse writes about everything that affects education in Nigeria. It provides a pulse check for policy makers, educators, and parents.
Face Masks and Language Development in the Early Years 9th April 2020
One major clothing addition with the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic is face masks. Some have even made fashion statements with their face masks. We are compelled to wear face masks when we are outside our home or bubble and have to be within 2 metres distance of people not in our household. This...
Education and the Economy
8th October 2020 To say COVID-19 has brought the world to her knees is putting it mildly. Every industry has been affected by the economic downturn. Coronavirus is as much an economic pandemic as well as a health pandemic. The lockdown and shutdowns we have had to endure, compelled most of us to...